Legal Information
Information as per the Telemedia Act
Dr. Michael Soibelmann
100, Avenue de la Faïencerie
1510 Luxembourg
T: +352 22 03 48
Responsible chamber:
Collège médical
Legal occupational title:
Awarding nations:
Luxembourg und Deutschland
State regulations governing professions:
Please find information on the state regulations governing professions, the professional code and other statutory provisions on the website of the Luxembourgish Collège Médical.
Concept, design and programming:
praxiskom GmbH | Agentur für Praxismarketing -
Amendments to this information are solely approved and checked by the practitioner. All health information provided on this website was compiled by Dr Soibelmann and her team.
About the website:
This website was created purely for informational purposes and can be accessed by all members of the community. All information provided on this website is intended to support the practitioner/patient relationship and does not replace personal consultations.
This website serves to provide our patients with advice and was financed solely by Dr Soibelmann. We do not engage in any advertising and this website is not sponsored.
Our dental clinic (hereinafter referred to as the Clinic) does not assume any liability for the topicality, accuracy, completeness or quality of the information provided. Liability claims asserted against our Clinic on the basis of material or immaterial damages caused by the use or non-use of the information provided, or the use of incorrect or incomplete information, are fundamentally excluded, provided our clinic is not found culpable as a result of intent or gross negligence.
Our Clinic reserves the right to amend, extent, delete or cease publication of sections of pages or the entire website temporarily or altogether without prior announcement.
References and links:
In the case of direct or indirect links to external websites (“hyperlinks”) that lie outside our area of responsibility, we can only be held liable if we are found to be aware of the content and if it would be technically possible and reasonable to prevent use in the case of illegal content.
Our Clinic hereby declares that no illegal content was found on the linked websites at the time the links were set. The Clinic has no influence on the current or future design, content or authorship of the linked websites. Our Clinic consequently hereby expressly distances itself from all content on the linked websites that is amended after the link is set. The above statement applies to all links and references set on our website.
Copyright and trademark law:
All brand names and trademarks mentioned on our website that are protected by third parities are subject without restriction to the provisions of the applicable trademark law and the title rights of the respective registered holders.
The author of the website retains ownership of all texts produced by him/her under copyright law. Any duplication or use of diagrams, sounds, videos or texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without prior express consent from the author.
Submission of personal or business information:
If you are asked to provide personal or business information (email address, name, address) on this website, this provision takes place on a voluntary basis. It is also possible to use all services offered without the provision of the above data or the submission of anonymised/pseudonymised data. Contact information such as postal addresses, telephone and fax numbers as well as email addresses or comparable information published in the legal information must not be used by third parties to transmit information that has not explicitly been requested.
Urheber- und Kennzeichenrecht
Alle innerhalb des Internetangebotes genannten und gebenenenfalls durch Dritte geschützten Marken- und Warenzeichen unterliegen uneingeschränkt den Bestimmungen des jeweils gültigen Kennzeichenrechts und den Besitzrechten der jeweiligen eingetragenen Eigentümer.
Das Copyright für veröffentlichte, vom Autor selbst erstellte Objekte bleibt allein beim Autor der Seiten. Eine Vervielfältigung oder Verwendung solcher Grafiken, Tondokumente, Videosequenzen und Texte in anderen elektronischen oder gedruckten Publikationen ist ohne ausdrückliche Zustimmung des Autors nicht gestattet.